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7 factors

Seven factors of Biodanza contribute to the enrichment of human experiences:


* Music
* Integrative dance
* Group: Matrix of Rebirth
* Trance and regression
* Caresses
* Vivencia
* Consciousness expansion


The proposal of Biodanza does not only consist in dancing, but in activating, through certain very specific dances, affective and communication potentials that connect us to ourselves, to fellow beings and to nature. But, how could we change the world without changing ourselves?


Music is the instrument of mediation between emotion and bodily movement. It is a universal language, accessible to children and adults of any era and region. Its influence goes directly to the emotional brain, bypassing the analytical filters of thought.


Music stimulates expressive dance, affective communication and vivencia of oneself. The organ for feeling music is not the hearing but the body. Identity is permeable to music and, for this reason, it can express itself through it.




Nature flamboyante.jpg

"Blazing Nature"

Designer Elizabeth Rojas Ruiz

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