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Tribute to Rolando Toro Araneda,Biodanza System creator

Rolando Toro, Rolando Toro, rolando toro biodanza, Rolando Toro, Rolando Toro, rolando toro biodanza, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, overcoming chronic pain, overcoming fibromyalgia

He was born in Chile in 1924 where he was titular of the Center of Medical Anthropology at the School of Medicine of the University of  Chile; he held the chair of Psychology of Art and Expression at the Institute of Aesthetics of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.


He was Professor Emeritus of the Interamerican Open University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He lived in Argentina, Brazil, Italy and in 1998 returned to Chile from where he coordinated   all international Biodanza activities.


Researcher, scientist, dancer, musician, poet, painter, great art lover, a man passionate about  the life. He has carried out various research  on the expansion of consciousness  and in the fields of anthropology  and psychology.


He is the creator of the systemBiodanza  and was throughout his life president of the International Biocentric Foundation, the body which directs the activities  of Biodanza in the world.


He wrote different books of poems  and psychotherapies  and published a book:  "Biodanza", published by Le Vivier in France.


Rolando Toro left to join the stars on February 16, 2010.

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Rolando Toro Araneda

The eternal lover of life...


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Hay algo mas
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Book "La note única"

Hay "algo mas"

He navegado contigo, hermano,

for all los mares

por los desiertos áridos del alma

y siento que no falta nada.

Hay "algo mas" in elvaino

in the uninhabited house

in the silla vacía.

Hay "algo mas" en las rosas

en los espejos, en mi propio rostro.


Cuando algo parece faltar

hay aun el soberano misterio

hence no exists.

Tenemos chamber of infinito, es verdad,

pero el infinito our rodea.

Book "Epiphany of the Goddess"


The meeting place

We were seeded in the galaxy

with this sensual possibility of vertigo

between millions of stars

between sidereal lizards

and volcanic roses

to fall by chance?

in this small place of greenery...

to participate

to this whirlwind of passions of the universe

with her mouths that swallow up time

and its vertiginous embrasures.

Your eyes are the meeting place

in the golden hologram

first impulses of love

the possibility of being together

in a small point of light in the universe.

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Ponme la mano sobre el corazón
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Book "Extasis del renacido"

Apple the mano sober el corazón

Apple the mano sober el corazón

Protege este mar turbulento, estos sueños

debarcos desaparecidos, estos viajes errantes


hermano, pome la mano sobre el corazón.


Cuídame en esta noche de fin de mundo,

sálvame de las jaurías de la muerte

y líbrame del ecstasy of los cerezos in flor.

Quiero permanecer aquí, tan cerca de la tierra,

as semilla dormida.

Cuídame con tu soledad,

con you vejez de thousand años.

Apple the mano sober el corazón.

Excerpts from the book "La inteligencia cósmica"

We are an embryo of light in a world of shadows. What is enlightenment? Enlightenment is the path to lucidity, infinite love and expanded consciousness.

Wisdom is an embryological process of integration with oneself, with our fellow human beings and with the creative forces of the universe.

"We are the message, the mirror of the cosmos"

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Ser alguien
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Book "Epiphany of the Goddess"

Everything can happen

Many things seem impossible.

Sometimes a subtle force intervenes.

The miracle is the everyday.

We are still dancing, without wanting it,

in the Possibility.

Possible the rosebush was

opening up to the breeze

terrible mystery.

Possible the sea was

dancing with seaweed

and all the fish.

Possible your love has been.

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Book "La note única"



Ser Alguian



Ya era tiempo de que yo llegara a ser alguien.


Ya era tiempo de que apareciera dentro de mi


el tiger, el niño, la abeja,


llego la hora de ser un rió,


agua fluidas, entregadas al destino.


Ya era time, después


of the Era del Triunfo, from Los Diques


secos del dolor, después


del Miedo a Ser Abandonado, he llegado


at the time of the jazmines.


Ya era hora de que yo llegara


to ser alguien,


tan anónimo, tan leve


as the canas of bamboo.

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Tout peut arriver
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